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Renaissance in Space


Artwork In brief

If you take the trouble and venture into space, why not do it in style? In the event we encounter extraterrestrial lifeforms, it’s crucial to showcase the aesthetic splendors that the human race is capable of. Enter “Renaissance in Space”, rebirth of the civilization in a completely new setting.

Imagine humankind exploring space during the Renaissance or Baroque eras. Would it have been too costly to construct magnificent ornaments in their spacecrafts and employ the finest craftsmanship available? Would it be considered too presumptuous to show off a bit to make a grandiose first impression? Certainly not.

Let’s take a tour of “Renaissance in Space”. There are Renaissance palaces repurposed as space stations, early-period moon base in-construction, and antique Roman architectural marvels like the Basilica di San Pietro and the Colosseum reconstructed in a space colony, all inhabited by mysterious figures wearing white cloaks.

Consider Leonardo Da Vinci, a brilliant scientist with an obsession for flight. What if he had designed a vehicles for space travel? Our cultural surroundings influence our designs, so in the Renaissance era, people might have envisioned wagons pulled by horses in space or, if they were feeling especially adventurous, even an advanced mechanical space-train (both depicted in the images).

Moreover, many of these designs draw inspiration from the original Star Wars movies released between 1977-1983, which are still cherished for their weathered, gritty aesthetics. There are multiple meticulously crafted Baroque Death Star designs to satisfy most discerning tastes, über decorated Imperial star ships hosting extravagant galas on their decks, gold-adorned first class star frigates, and, of course, reimagined Millenium Falcon and X-Wing spacecrafts making their appearances.

So jump on board – let’s conquer space in style!