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Artwork In brief

Consider the various kinds of traces – trails of motion, echoes of thoughts, soft whispers of intentions, unfolding of the actions into various possible future trajectories. “Traces” visualizes this invisible event horizon using delicate linework and classic black and white photography.

By its very nature, a photograph freezes time. Moreover, classic black and white photography is often associated with a certain timeless quality. Let’s imagine that we could freeze not only the present moment but also capture echoes of the past and whispers of the future within a single image. ’Traces’ explores this concept, portraying the trails of movements, the dynamics of mental processes, or the trajectories of intentions.

Some of the images freeze movement, depicting diverse physical gestures, surreal acrobatics and dance sequences, nuanced touches and fluid interactions. The close-up portraits explore the traces of thoughts and emotions, revealing how the energy of the mind might materialize in physical realm. Like a delicate spider’s web the history of emotions may enfold the subjects, complicating the efforts to connect. At times, these traces are suspended entirely, taking on the appearance of a tangible material that weaves into exquisite, fashion-like designs.